Map Campaigns

 Map Campaigns

--Updated July 17, 2024 with 10th ed final draft--

Right now the main product at Far Future Campaigns is our Map Campaigns system. Please download from these Google Drive links, one is a more complex version for two players (or maybe four), the other is a simplified version for larger gaming groups:

Two Player Map Campaigns, 10th ed v4_1

Gaming Group Map Campaigns, 10th ed v1_1 

The purpose of Map Campaigns is to take Warhammer 40,000 up a level thematically, allowing players to maneuver multiple forces on a larger map. The composition of these forces affect how they move and behave--for example all-infantry forces can cross mountains that ground vehicles cannot, and Airborne formations travel quickly but cannot pass near enemy air defenses. 

Each faction has themed special rules, many of which call back to classic ideas and fit the flavor of their organization and background. You will be glad to know that Imperial Guard Chimeras are amphibious, Necrons can phase out to safety, and of course Ork vehicles go fasta!

The goal is to bring more strategy to the game, causing the players to think more about long-term goals, terrain, and deception, and to create unusual forces that lead to fun themed games and desperate situations.

 If you would like to create and share any variants of our Map Campaigns system please feel free to do so, but we would ask that you add the following credit line near the beginning of your document if it goes beyond just your immediate circle of friends: 

"Based on the Map Campaigns system developed by Far Future Campaigns."

Map Images

There are about a dozen maps included in the documents linked above, which you can easily print on a piece of paper and use them for your campaign. Here are image files of all the maps in case you want to manipulate the images. I lay out my hex map creation process in the campaign books in case you would like to create your own.

Credit to Molotov Cockatiel for the hex grid generator:

Blank Grid

Great Falls

Frozen Reaches

River Crossing

Mountain Switchbacks

Desperate Defense

Emerald Archipelago

Volcano Pincer

Death World Highway

Mega-Hive One

Siege of Hades Hive

Polar Fortress

Long Retreat

Thanks and happy gaming! You can send any feedback to



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